Tree Planting
The first Tree Tent was designed with principles of ecological respect and improving the human experience in the Great Outdoors in mind. For every tent purchased we make a donation to plant 20 trees with our partners. So far, we have helped plant over 1,000,000 trees in projects located across Madagascar, India, Zambia, and the United States.
From the start of May 2023, we are very proud to announce our new tree planting partnership with veritree where we now have a Tentsile Tree Planting Portal that shows exactly where your trees are being planted.
We have partnered up with veritree - a data driven, restorative platform who take the mystery out of tree planting - so that we can better verify and monitor the impact of our environmental efforts. After all, it’s all good planting hundreds of thousands of trees - but how do we ensure their survival once they’re in the soil? And how do we, and our customers, know exactly where they’re planted, how large an area we have reforested together, and what measurable collective impact we have had in revitalising ecosystems, strengthening communities, and building measurable climate solutions?
Through this partnership, we will bring transparency to the whole process – to ensure the right trees are planted in the right place and that the trees, once planted, are staying in the ground as intended – benefitting communities and restoring deforested regions for many, many, decades to come.
Up until May 2023, we have been proudly partnered with Eden Projects and WeForest and together, we have reached the incredible total of 1 million trees planted to date! Here is more about these partners.
In Zambia half of the nation’s forest has been decimated in the last 50 years. WeForest are working to reverse deforestation by supporting local farmers in Luanshya to be financially independent in return for protecting the Miombo woodlands, and adopting sustainable farming methods such as bee-keeping, egg-rearing and vegetable-growing.
Farmers are also receiving training and support to establish home-based nurseries to increase forest growth. WeForest also support farmers in gaining ownership of the land in order to secure sustainability and longevity of the conservation and livelihood outcomes.
WeForest are supporting 75 traditionally forest-dependent villages in the east and north of the Khasi Hills in India to restore their forests by establishing natural fire lines to protect the forest and restoring endangered flora.
Fruit trees have been given to those living the area and 52 fuel-efficient cooking stoves have been distributed to encourage a reduction in fuelwood consumption.

We have been working with Eden Reforestation Projects since 2015 supporting projects across Madagascar where there is a rich biodiversity of more than 200,000 species of plants and animals that are unique to the island. Shockingly, 90% of Madagascar’s original forests have been destroyed.
Eden Projects work to restore the devastated mangrove estuaries and build local economies in impoverished communities.
In the Kijabe Forest in Mozambique, Eden Projects is replanting and protecting forest systems, and the conservationists who are surveying, planting and patrolling the area sleep amongst the trees in Tentsile Tree Tents!