Tentsile Blog
#BecomeOneOfTheMillion: If You Go Down To The Woods Today…
Our “Selfie In A Tree” competition on International Day of Forests was a real success, with people from all over the world sending in selfies of themselves in or at various tree locations from across the globe. Check out the wonderful and whacky photos on our Instagram by visiting this link: #BecomeOneOfTheMillion
#ChallengeTony: Time To Catch Your Breath
We are now a few months into Tony’s challenge of setting up 10 Tentsile Experience Camps (TECs) around the world, and it seems like a timely pause to recap on where we are. Things have been busy, and ideas for the future continue to look rather exciting!
#BecomeOneOfTheMillion: International Day of Forests!
So where are we three months into this campaign? Well, as one might hope, there is lots of good news! We continue to grow the three projects we support in Africa, closely working with WeForest and The Eden Projects, planting just over 50,000 trees to date. For this small team of tree-hopers, this is definitely something we are proud of!
#ChallengeTony: Costa Rica on the Horizon
2017 just seems to be getting more and more exciting! Certainly, in the world of Tony and his global challenge, things are getting off to a flying start...
#EchoChamberDisruption – Expand Your Tree Knowledge
As promised, this series - #EchoChamberDisruption - is about recommending organisations, groups and individuals for you to follow / like / share, who are doing amazing work in this field, so that you can discover more. This month we have the first 3 recommendations for you. We sincerely hope that you learn something – we certainly did!
Last year we all became aware of the “Echo Chamber” effect, when we find ourselves presented on social media only with news and posts that closely align with our existing views and beliefs - thus reinforcing them. This year, we are going to smash that Echo Chamber!!! Join us, for #EchoChamberDisruption.
#BecomeOneOfTheMillion - Who To Pick To Plant?
So it’s one thing saying we want to plant trees; it’s quite another actually doing it. Turns out, repopulating the planet with trees is not as straight forward as one initially thinks – even for people in the tree-loving business!
#ChallengeTony - Nordics. Beach. Jungle. Mountain.
So, as you will know from the launch of #ChallengeTony, we’ve challenged Tony to set up 10 Tentsile Experience Camps by the end of 2017...
#ChallengeTony - A New Year, A New Dawn for Tentsile Experience Camps
And so it begins: Tony’s Tentsile Challenge – or #ChallengeTony. The question is can he do it? Can he set up 10 Tentsile Experience Camps by the end of 2017? Who knows? We don’t know. He doesn’t know. But we’re going to try!...
#BecomeOneOfTheMillion Part 2
And you can plant trees too. Go out there and have a go. And tell us about it! Add to our count! Or if you can’t be bothered or don’t know how, help us do it. Help us create homes and habitats for species around the world. Help us help the world breathe freely again. Simply follow our story, and you will be helping to #BecomeOneOfTheMillion.
A New Year’s Resolution: Tentsile aims for 1 MILLION people in trees!
We’re setting ourselves a new challenge, a Tentsile Challenge: From January 2017, we will aim to get 1 MILLION people camping in trees within the next 5 years. That’s right, 1 million people, 5 years. Who said ambition was for the faint-hearted?...
Secret Spots
The clever design and easy handling of our Tentsile Stingray meant we managed to set up camp within a few minutes. As you can see, a Tree Tent was perfect for this terrain. Hidden by branches, we were invisible. From this unique secret spot, we could see the stars through the tree tops as they lulled us to sleep after a hard first day...